The Sims 4 Discover University Cheats

Adding or Removing Degrees, Career Levels, and Skills

The Sims 4 Discover University Cheats
The campus of the University of Britechester. Foxbury is a more modern technical school.

The Sims 4 Discover University releases November 15, 2019 on PC/Mac, and will arrive December 17 for console players. This guide to cheating should work for both platforms. Using trait, career, and skill cheats you're able to boost your Sim in a number of ways -- even giving them a degree they never attended school to earn.

Career Cheats

Discover University comes with three new Careers. First, there's Engineering which has a Computer and Mechanical Engineering branch. Law has Judge and Private Attorney branches, while Education has Administrative and Professor branches. Each of these can be promoted with Careers.promote - so you'd use:

  • Careers.Promote Education - to boost your Teacher/Professor.
  • Careers.Promote Engineering - to boost your Mechanical or Computer Engineer.
  • Careers.Promote Law - to boost your Judge or Private Attorney.

Skill Cheats

As usual, you can use the Stats.Set_Skill_Level cheat on Discover University's new skills. They are Research and Debate and the Robotics Skill. Both are extremely useful. In order to set your skill level use:

  • Stats.Set_Skill_Level Major_Robotics # - replacing # with the level you want.
  • Stats.set_Skill_level Major_ResearchDebate # also works.

Enroll in University

If you shift-click your Sim with testingcheats on you can access a sadly very empty University Debug Menu where you can click, 'Enroll in University' to be immediately taken to the enrollment screen.

Join or Leave University Organizations (Requires Mod)

You require All Cheats Mod in order to do this, but it is indeed possible to join University Organizations with a cheat. I luckikly invistigated and stumbled upon it. To do this, you need to use Sims.Get_Sim_ID_By_Name YourSimFirstName YourSimLastName - The ID will appear in the window. Now you can use cheats to join the organizations. If you're already in, this will toggle and kick you out.

You can copy/paste the first part of the code, then use the SimID in the cheat console. Just be very careful about typing this ID correctly. This is a more advanced cheat and must be done perfectly.

  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Art SimID - Join Britechester's Art Society
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Debate SimID - Join Britechester's Debate Guild
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Prank SimID - Join Britechester's Spirit Corps
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Party SimID - Join Foxbury's Spirit Corps
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Honor SimID - Join Foxbury's Study Group (Honor Society)
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Robotics SimID - Join Foxbury's Robotics Society.
  • Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Secret SimID - Join the Secret Society (either Univeristy) also known as Order of Enchantment.

Rank Up University Organization Cheats (No Mod Needed)

Someone asked, and I did discover that it's possible to when already joined give Sims Organization rank ups by using a cheat. You use stats.set_stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 166 to set Debate guild to Rank 2 (166 is the break point), 333 for rank 3. For your copy/paste pleasure, I've listed them all out here. On Pc/Mac it's possible to join with a cheat if you use the AllCheats Mod (see above) but if you do not want to use a mod you can just ask a member - go to one of their meetings by using the organization events schedule at the kiosk.

Here are all organizations. Bear in mind which School you're in, as both have their own set of organizations and it may be unwise to use a code for the rival school. If you fail to follow instructions and join your Sim to a group this way (it doesn't show in the organizations panel) you may break your ability to join legitimately.

  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 1 - Level 1 of Britechester Art Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 1 - Level 2 of Britechester Art Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety 1 - Level 3 of Britechester Art Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 1 - Level 1 of Britechester Debate Guild (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 166 - Level 2 of Britechester Debate Guild (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 333 - Level 3 of Britechester Debate Guild (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_HonorSociety 1 - Level 1 of Foxbury SHonor Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_HonorSociety 166 - Level 2 of Foxbury Honor Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_HonorSociety 333 - Level 3 of Foxbury Honor Society (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Robotics 1 - Level 1 of Foxbury's Robotics Club (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Robotics 166 - Level 2 of Foxbury's Robotics Club (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Robotics 333 - Level 3 of Foxbury's Robotics Club (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Prank 1 - Level 1 of Britechester School Spirit (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Prank 166 - Level 2 of Britechester School Spirit (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Prank 333 - Level 3 of Britechester School Spirit (if Joined).
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Party 1 - Level 1 of Foxbury's Spirit Society (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Party 166 - Level 2 of Foxbury's Spirit Society (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Party 333 - Level 3 of Foxbury's Spirit Society (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SecretSociety 1 - Level 1 of Secret Society/Order of Enchantment (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SecretSociety 166 - Level 2 of Secret Society/Order of Enchantment (if Joined)
  • Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SecretSociety 333 - Level 3 of Secret Society/Order of Enchantment (if Joined)

Spawn Crafting Supplies

I noticed that with TestingCheats On, when I shift-click the robotics table, it gives me the option to "Spawn Crafting Supplies". This will give you 50 of everything in the currently selected Sim's inventory. A very nice time saver if you're already cheating and don't want to have to spam building these to add a Servo or Fixer bot to your household.

University Cheats (Requires Mod)

There are a ton of cheats that can be used with TwistedMexi's All Cheats Mod. The commands all start with University. I'll list them below and what they appear to do for you. Some are just informative.

  • University.Finish_Term - this one will instantly finish the term and allow you to sign up for another.
  • University.Graduate - Instantly makes you a graduate with current or perfect GPA. I can't tell becuase my student is awesome.
  • University.Accept_all_Degrees - This cheat allows you to join distinguished programs you're not qualified for.
  • University.Award_all_Degrees - Gives your Sim every degree. It appears they are all non-distinguished, however.

Degree Cheats Without Mod

Award yourself all degrees in The Sims 4 Discover University with cheats
You can have every degree without mods if you feel like cheating them in!

Why is this last? Because it's extremely long. I'm going to list out how you can get a distinguished degree for every major in Discover University. If you want a regular one, you can switch up between BA/BS to get the normal variant from the other School.

Use Traits.Equip_Trait to add the degree to your Sim (they're simply traits, but have their own special slot on your Simology panel). Now, when you join a career, you'll get every bonus any graduate would get because the game simply looks to see the traits you have.

Here's a listing in order of degree type. Realize there are four for every degree, but you only need one. Every BA comes from Britechester, and every BS comes from Foxbury. For Arts schools (anything Britechester) the best degree is going to be a BA Honors while for tech and sciences the best will be BS Honors. This means you have a Bachelor's in Science and graduated with Honors.

Why am I listing them all? Because it's an easy copy paste and you may enjoy having the granular control over where you graduated. I'll make minor notes on a few of these to make sure it's understood. I'm making it so you can copy/paste these fairly easily and also including links to degree specifics.

  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBAHonors - The best Art History degree, from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBS - so this would be from Foxbury, as arts distinguished is from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BartenderDegree - ???
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBAHonors - non-distinguished, but you graduated with honors from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBSHonors - The best Biology degree, from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBAHonors - The best Communications degree, from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBS - got a basic degree from Foxbury, but without honors.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBSHonors - The best Computer Science degree, from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBAHonors - The best Culinary Arts degree, from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBAHonors - The best Drama degree, from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBSHonors - The best Economics degree, from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBAHonors - The best Fine Arts degree, From Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBAHonors - The best History degree, from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBAHonors - The best Language and Literature degree, from Britechester.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBSHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBSHonors - The best Physics degree, from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBSHonors - The best Psychology degree, from Foxbury.
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBA
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBAHonors
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBS
  • Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBSHonors - The best Villainy degree, from Foxbury.
--> -->

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Comments (47)


Awesome! Are there cheats to enroll without waiting the several sim days for your acceptance letter? Will they be added here if so?


Also are there cheats for the secret society membership/levels? Do you know if you can join without being enrolled in uni / still be a member after graduation?


I just added in the cheats for those. They were a bit more time consuming to find, so I had to work on other things. I figured the joining might need a mod as there weren't any new commands for that, and it would appear I am right. You can, however, rank up with a cheat without mods and I've made those copy-pasteable in order to help people out with that.


yup! if you shift click your sim, a debug menu appears. press on university and then "enroll in university" and you'll enroll immediately without having to apply and wait a few days.


Is there a cheat to change a Sim back into a human, because the game literally just changed one of my existing Sims into a ROBOT


Try mc command centre mod?


While we're at it, are there cheats to join and for ranks in the university organizations?


Are there cheats to enter build mode on student dorms?


bb.enablefreebuild should work!


hey ! I don't know if this is common knowledge but there is a cheat for promoting ur class grade in the term. careers.promote university_courseslot_a/b/c/d depending what term you are in I believe ! and it seems to work for all the classes u take at once.


If I enter a, will it be an a+? can I just enter a+?


Nevermind, I read it wrong. Oops.

Kimberly Dunlapsays...

Great site, I want to thank you for all your great content. Now, I'm can't get the traits to work. I'm inputting

Traits_Equip_Trait trait_university_historydegreeBSHonors

and it won't works is there something I'm missing. Thanks


Have you enabled 'testingcheats on' and have the correct sim selected with your game paused when using the cheat?

Alecia Tinklesays...

Hey, I just thought I'd add that if you can remove degrees by using these same cheats but changing "Equip" to "Remove". Happy Simming everyone!


Are you asking this as a question or saying you can actually do it I can't tell lol I have a sim where I went through Language/Lit degree at UBrite and now want to try it again with the same sim and a group of premade roomates. They all have varying skills/points/jobs I want to get rid of. I tried your suggestion a bunch of times replacing Equip with Remove and it didn't work. I so wish there was a cheat to just wipe a sim clean of everything. Or that once you upload to gallery it wiped them clean and treated them as a template. I feel like the whole gallery concept is kind of whack if sims come with a ton of baggage when you just want to start fresh. We need to be able to use sims as template without being tied to their previous play history. I've spent most of today googling how to remove this and that. Sorry had to rant lol


NStella you should have a copy of your Sim in your Library as the game forces you to save any Sim you make before you can place them into the worlds.

If you have Get To Work make a clone of your sim using the cloning machine that came with the Active Scientist Career then you will have a copy of your sim with no skills. You can just save your played Sim to your Library, download them into a new game with another sim you quickly make to be your Scientist - cheat them to max career level and then buy the cloning machine. Clone your played Sim then save take the household into CAS delete the played sim and the scientist sim leaving the brand new clone and so save them, as a single sim household - and so now you have your blank-slate template Sim for any future games.


Is there a way to stop spirits of annoying you after you leave the secret society?


Yes enable testingcheats on followed by

traits.remove_trait trait_CollegeOrganization_SecretSociety_Member

Bug Report here, go add a "me Too'
Bug Report


Hi Carl,

So, my sims graduated with their degrees and havce the Academic aspiration to complete. They both went to school to get into the educational career paths, but their aspiration goal of "Get a Job Using a Degree" is still not fulfilled, even though their degrees were for that specific career path. Thoughts? Suggestions?




I'd just use a cheat to complete the last aspiration requirement. Nothing more you can do unless you roll back to an earlier save and replay.

testingcheats on

followed by



I had this happen to me.

If you are currently employed, please quit your current job. Then Get a Job again with your phone or computer.

This should fix it


I unfortunately can’t get any of these cheats to work


They are all working for me so check for typos etc


They don't work for me either. Have you found a solution?

Irene Baesays...

me too...


Do you have testing cheats on? Not to be rude, I forget to do it sometimes.


make sure you put the cheats folder into the mods folder of ts4, and have script mods enabled in game options


Hi can you please help me so my sim is part of the brainiacs organization and my sim is unable for some reason to complete visit office hours. I visited office hours more than once and the task just wont complete and i tried your honor society rank cheat and nothing is working. My sim is stuck as a stupid new member of brainiacs and his almost done with his course.


Sounds similar to this bug So maybe hop over to the Bug Forum and leave a Me Too or a comment.


Made a whoops and moved my Sim into a new home right after attending graduation. She has her degree in her inventory, but she doesn't have the trait from her Physics degree and only starts at entry level in the engineering job. I can't reenroll her to get the degree because the game says she already has it. I tried using the cheat to equip the trait but it doesn't work. No typos (tried multiple times, copy/pasted), she's the only sim in the household, and testingcheats was on. Help!


I've found that when the degree cheats seems to not work that quitting and restarting your game can help or going and temporarily playing another family for a few minutes then going back to your main Sim and trying the cheat again seems to make it work.

Claire Sparkssays...

If you put Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate 777 you'll get Level 3 of Britechester Debate Organization (if Joined).

Charlotte Knowlessays...

I’m having an issue where my sim’s partner moved in whilst studying a degree. When they move in, it says the degree is finished with no more classes to study (they have a B- every time this happens, for some reason) but the sim doesn’t seem to have graduated as they cannot enrol in university (even using the testingcheats shift+click to enrol them - it allows them to go through the process and takes their money, but no classes etc). I was hoping that I might be able to remove this using the equip/remove traits cheat but no joy. These sims are also unable to get the head start in their career as they don’t seem to have graduated. Is anyone else having this problem and does anyone have any tips for sorting it out?


There are many issues around merging and moving households while enrolled in uni. Sadly the only way to correct this might be to roll back to a previous save before your Sims moved in together.


Since you listed the non-cheat source of the bartender degree as ???, I figured I'd add the tiny bit of info I have on it in case it helps.

  • It's actually a smaller certification instead of a full degree.
  • I got it by taking the §250 skill classes in mixology over and over again. I found a few people saying they got it through electives (sometimes even ones not related to mixology, which is probably a bug) but I haven't been able to make that happen yet in my game, so I can't vouch for it.
  • Unfortunately, I didn't write down the exact number of classes I took. I'd guess it was about 10 though.
  • I maxed mixology a few classes before I got the certificate. Not sure if that's a requirement.
  • All of this was when I wasn't enrolled in university any more.

No clue why they made this one degree completely different from the others and (as far as I know) didn't add anything in-game to let you know it even exists unless you stumble into it, but it definitely is attainable.


I'm pretty sure you need to take 11 skill classes in Mixology to get the certificate


Hello, I’m having some issues with my presentation boards for the communications degree. I have two sims working on their degrees and living on campus at the same time. One is communications, one is art history. When I re-enrolled for a term the arts degree had this presentation board but the communications degree was missing 2 needed for courses. Does anyone know a mod free way to get these back? I feel like I’ve tried everything.

Thank you!


Sounds like this bug Presentation Board Missing Bug If you think it's the same add a 'Me Too' to the report. I'm not aware of any work-arounds so you might have to roll back to one of the older auto saves and hope they are before the bug occurred.

How To - Recover Saves (click)


please help, none of these cheats are working for me at all and yes i do have testing.cheats on!!!!


Sadly you've not told me any details that I can use to try to help. All the cheats are working for me as normal in my game so perhaps you have made some typos or are trying to use the particular University cheats that require a specific mod? Go back through the guide and see if you are needing a mod, if so the link for twistedmexis mod is also there in the guide for you. If you still can't get the cheats to work and need more help let me know which cheats in particular are not working for you and what you've tried to do to make them work.


Some of the cheats require this mod to work properly: TwistedMexi's All Cheats Mod. If you had read the accompanying text you would have seen the link for his mod. This is different from "testingcheats on".


I'm trying to use the cheat that unlocks distinguished degrees, and it doesn't seem to be working. I did turn on testingcheats. Is there a waiting period like when you apply to a university, or do you have to do it before applying? (I know there's no typos since I copied and pasted it right from the website).


Sometimes you have to load another household then go back to the original household for the degree to have registered after using the cheat. Or just use the cheat, save, quit and then reload your game. No idea why this cheat sometimes doesn't seem to register initially but after loading another household and then returning to your original Sim you cheated with...the degree will be there above their Traits UI.


Is there a cheat to remove a degree/all degrees?

Thank you! =D


This is 2 years late but incase it helps somebody else with the same question you can remove degrees with MCCC by just right clicking on the degree shown in the simology tab.


I feel like I'm the only one for whom it doesn't work. I got the mod it shows up but I have no clue if it does anything I wasn't missing any cheat and my university students are still stuck


This picture doesn't tell me what you are trying to cheat so I have no way to guess what to try to help you with. Your sim has a degree so something must have worked! If you are trying to cheat to change the degree in the picture you can't...once a sim has a degree you can't cheat to alter that gained degree. You can cheat on different degrees that your sim hasn't completed.


I have two sims in both colleges will they graduate if I leave them and go to a regular household?


Most probably not or at the very best they will gain a very low score. So a C pass.


Does anyone know a cheat to spawn a diploma? I don't even know how i lost them, but now i feel bad that i don't have them.


They might be in the debug buy menu. I haven't looked but I'd assume you'd find at least a generic one in there.

So testingcheats on followed by bb.showhiddenobjects and scroll past all the normal game play items and you'll start seeing the debug items...then you'll just have to go looking!


This worked, thank you


I'm not 100% sure which mod it is but I have UI cheat extension and

MC Command Center and when I hold shift and click on a sim and go to the university tab theres an option to 'add a diploma' that works.


To increase GPA:

Careers.promote university_courseslot_A

Repeat with B, C, D

Sim will graduate with A+ in every course.


If this cheat works it's going to mean a lot more fun times for my Sim while they are at uni


The enroll in university cheat WORKS ON CHILDREN AND TEENS! So it's totally possible to have little savants attending university so long as you also make sure they aren't enrolled in their normal schooling with the help of mods.

TEENS have full access to all university menus on the computer and in general, and their gameplay is indistinguishable from an adult sims options.

CHILDREN do not have access to the university menu on computers, so they cannot do things such as write a term paper, but they can still attend class and take exams. I do not know if they can make a presentation board.


I've been getting degree tracker LE's since doing Uni cheats with the mod. It just happens once and I can play the game without a problem. I've been told the only way to fix it is to either rollback my game or migrate all of my Sims and builds to another save file.

Have you heard of this happening and if so, do you know of any fixes for it besides the ones mentioned above?


You don't mention which mod you are using so it's hard to tell. Either way LE's can be ignored, if your game is running and performing as expected, in many cases. But if possible go to the modders site and report the LE to allow them the chance to fix the error in their code. I definitely would not quit a save just because of one random LE file that hasn't impacted your game play. I play with a lot of mods and apart from checking the LE here (click) I report it to the modder and just continue playing.

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Let's Play Playlist

Super Sim Gameplay in The Sims 4

New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.

This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.