Disabling Seasions But Keeping its Stuff - Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod Improving Sims 4: The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
The Sims 4 Spa Day Game Pack
Gameplay Additions and Features
Relaxing at the Spa is the central theme of this Game Pack, and players get many little ways to help their Sim pursue a relaxed life
The Sims 4 Spa Day Game Pack released July 14, 2015. This pack's central theme is the spa and the typical features of a spa - massages, yoga, incense, mud baths, and the sauna. All these features are accessible when visiting the new spa venue, or by purchasing objects and using them from your Sim's home. The Pack comes with several Spa Venues you can select from, and will prompt you to place one of these in a neighborhood when you first start the game with the pack installed. Of course, you can also now search the gallery for spas that you can download from other players.
A review of gameplay features included in the Spa Day game pack. Includes heavy information on the wellness skill and its many abilities.
Click to Enlarge. The default Spa Venue has all the services you need. Use others that came with the pack or download new venues from the Sims 4 Gallery
Total Object/CAS Additions & Spa Venue The Spa Venue contains all the services you'll need in order to give your Sims a relaxing day. They are easily placed from hitting escape > Manage Worlds. The Perfect Balance Spa includes every type of new service available, so is the top pick.
The Pack comes with a whopping 122 build/buy mode objects and 55 CAS items, some of which will be pictured below. Compare this to any pack released before, and you can see this as a massive value if you're been a player who regularly buys Sims addons. This for $20 vs a couple of sets at the Sims 3 store. Ouch!
Wellness Activities
Wellness Skill A major feature of this Game Pack is the Wellness Skill. The Skill determines your Sim's proficiency at Meditation, Yoga, and giving Massages. Practicing these three arts all level the skill, which gives you powerful happy and emotional moodlets to help your Sim get through a tough day. Having a Sim who can give great massages in the household is a major boon to every member of the family. It'll also save you on paying for spa services! To top things off, the skill offers a few unique recipes and social interactions that can benefit target Sims.
The following sections on Meditation, Yoga, and Massage are all covered on the Wellness Skill guide, but I am repeating them verbatim. Why? Even if a Sim does not master Wellness, they will receive massages from the Spa and get those benefits, and also benefit from taking a Yoga class to get a long-lasting Moodlet. Meditation is much more specific to Sims who are going to master the Skill, however.
Meditation can freeze needs, keep some moodlets from decaying, and allow a Sim to teleport at high level.
Meditation The Meditation ability levels Wellness, and allows Sims to occasionally get a moodlet for their efforts. Meditation is an activity you can use anywhere, but free stools are available at the default Spa. Simply buy a meditation stool from Buy Mode and have your Sim put it in their inventory. Needs can be frozen while meditating, and some moodlets will not decay right away. These things only pop up when your Sim begins to levitate during a meditation session. Once your Sim is high level, they are able to teleport at any time, to any area that is accessible via walking. Their mastery of wellness means they don't have to sit and meditate for hours to do this, they can just drop into a meditative trance and zip across the neighborhood to collect some frogs. It's situational given the lack of an open world, but when useful it is a real time saver given how much time can pass when going to an fro.
Yoga provides a powerful combination of weight loss, muscle building, and great moodlets to help a Sim get through a tough day.
Yoga Yoga is a form of exercise and thus helps Sims get into shape. It will both reduce body fat and add some muscle, and is highly effective at these things. A Yoga session takes about an hour and a half, but will give Sims an 8 hour moodlet for a solo session, 12 hours for a class. Yoga classes are $110, and sometimes 'fail' as in, leave your Sim sore, but do this a few times and they'll never fail again. Here's info on the moodlets you receive from the three types of Yoga classes:
Yoga Routine
Taking Class
Solo Routine
Brain Boosting
12h +2 Inspired Moodlet
8h +1 Inspired
Energy Centering
12h +2 Energized Moodlet
8h +1 Energized
Mind Concentrating
12h +2 Focused Moodlet
8h +1 Focused
Learn more about Meditation and Yoga Massage in the Wellness Skill Guide. These things are not exclusive to Sims who will practice the skill, but those topics are best covered in that guide.
The Stone Massage provides a massive 24h +1 Happy Moodlet for $300, but the Deep Tissue Massage gives the same for $180 - save your money. If your Sim is skilled in Wellness, they can do this for others while at home, free of charge!
Massages Getting a massage from a masseuse and a Sim skilled in Wellness have the same result, unlike with Yoga, which encourages taking classes. Massages seem to raise the Social need, since your Sim is getting personal attention from another Sim. They don't, however, raise Fun. There are two types of massages available in the Spa Day Game Pack - those from the massage table, and the hand/foot massages available from the massage chair. Purchasing either of these for your own home is a wise investment should you have the money, because Sims not skilled in Massage will still give great Moodlets to their friends and family by simply trying. Levelling Wellness unlocks the full suite of massage types.
Note that none of these stack, and using a new one will overwrite the previous Moodlet. Just get the one you want from the get-go. You are, however, able to stack hand/foot massages with the massage table massages. These take about 80 Sim minutes to complete. Massages your Sim gives to others are free of charge.
Hand/Foot Massages
These take about 40 minutes to complete. Click a massage chair in the Spa or buy one for home to get the option to purchase/give a massage. As stated above, these do stack with the above massages. You can have 1 hand, 1 foot, and 1 body massage Moodlet active at once. Go for a body massage, then get a foot massage is probably the best route to take in order to maintain your moodlets and leave the Spa with enough time left to accomplish something significant.
Low Wellness Skill Hand Massage - +1 4h Happy Moodlet
High Wellness/Masseuse Hand Massage - $40 from Masseuse. +2 4h Happy Moodlet
High Wellness/Masseuse Foot Massage - $40 from Masseuse. +3 6h Happy Moodlet
Death from overheating in a sauna occurs within a couple of hours. It is not meant to be used for a long time. If your Sim gets the uncomfortable moodlet, they're in danger and you'd best get out. That is a sign you stayed in too long. Use it to ease sore muscles and socialize a bit, then leave before this happens.
Sauna Use & Death Being in a Sauna will gradually raise your Sim's Fun and Social needs (if occupied with another Sim) and provide a Moodlet that grows the longer they stay. It's a nice place for them too Woohoo The sauna's effects peaks at +3 Happy but it is a boost that will disappear if you stay in too long. Once Sims have been inside for about 90 minutes, the heat will start to really get to them and the positive +3 Happy Moodlet will disappear. This is the point where they're no longer having fun, where the sauna's effects vanish, and when you know the discomfort is coming in the form of an 8 hour Uncomfortable moodlet. At this stage, they are at risk for Death and you'd best get them out of the steam room immediately. Further exposure with the moodlet on them will kill the Sim. They will often leave automatically, but if tied up in conversation they may not exit autonomously and this results in death.
Mud baths offer a confident moodlet, but you can also use soaks to get a variety of extra Moodlets.
New Bathing Soaks and Mud Baths Baths have got an upgrade with this Game Pack as well, and it affects all tubs. Not just the one added via the pack. Mud baths cost $60 and give a 12h +2 Confident Moodlet, at the cost of lowering your Sim's hygiene. Here are the aromatherapy bath scents you can use, along with their cost. You cannot stack bath moodlets, so choose the one you want. If Mud Bath's confident is needed, use that then a regular bath to top off hygiene if needed, so you don't overwrite the Moodlet.
Incense provides a passive moodlet, so long as a Sim is nearby. They can provide 6 types of Moodlets.
Incense Incense burners can be bought for the home, and is available for use (at a small cost) in most Spa Venues. Good for while skilling, combined with Music, as you can smell the incense and listen to music while doing something else, like Painting. This is a good addition to the game, just be warned that they CAN cause fires, so try not to let them burn if you're not using them.
Incense burns for 2 hours and has a flat cost of $20 per activation. Here are the moodlets you get from each Incense type:
Incense should automatically kick in if your Sim is nearby, but may not. In that case, you can click the burner and select Smell. The range on incense is rather small. Plan to be able to used it about 4 'big' buy mode squares away. So set it close to where you'll be skilling or doing something else that would benefit from incense.
Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!
Click to Enlarge. Two new Aquariums are featured, and Sims can stock them with caught fish or elect to buy fish for the tanks to automatically stock them. The pack includes 3 new types of fish.
Aquariums & New Fish The Spa Day Game Pack comes with two new aquariums that can be used to stock fish your Sim has caught. Each can hold up to 5 fish, and the fish do not require feeding. It's a great way to keep a prize catch alive. You're able to click 'open' to take fish out, and may pay to fully stock the Aquarium for $150. At the aquarium, you can purchase three new fish types that come with the game pack and are part of the Fishing collection. These fish may be caught by using the Fishing skill, and are available in Sylvan Glade and the stream at Oasis Springs park.
Cichlid - $30 to stock, common fish
Discus - $40 to stock, uncommon fish
Exotic Goldfish - $45 to stock, uncommon fish
You can't sell the fish for much, they're bought at a price much higher than their value. For example, my discus was able to be sold for $14 after taking it from the aquarium and placing in my Sim's inventory.
New Hair and Clothes
This is but a selection of what the stuff pack offers. Probably two dozen items were left out, this is just a sampling of the more distinct new styles:
Female Tops and Bottoms
Some of the male tops/bottoms
Male and Female Hair Styles
My Overall Opinion This pack is better than any yet released in terms of value - the amount of content is enormous for the price tag, though we do not get all we desire such as the ability to run our own Spas and having new Traits and Aspirations included with it. Thankfully, the objects, skill, and CAS items make up for this omission and I've told a developer that we would like more Traits and Aspirations with our packs in the future. The best part is that most of these features can be used from home, so significantly contribute to the gameplay of The Sims 4. I do recommend it, even if the Spa thing isn't for you. The Moodlets are great, long-lasting, and the Wellness Skill is very useful for Sims and those around them.
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Can anyone help us... my daughter is having a major meltdown as we bought this game yesterday, but when the message came up about 'do you want to start in this world' for the spa day, she accidently clicked on the X and closed the window. Now she can't figure out how to get into the Spa Day game.....
Just by playing the base game The Sims 4 you will have access to all the features of the game pack 'Spa Day'. (As long as you have downloaded it which it sounds like you have.) So you can just play a saved game that you have already started or start a brand new game. Either way all the items will be present. Just so you know, 'Spa Day' did not come with a new world but there are new community lots (Spa's) that you will find in your library ready for you to download and place into your game. This means you don't need to build your own spa to experience all the content.
Thanks for your help... she did try just playing the main game but couldn't find where to access any of the spa features. I'll tell her to download from the library and hopefully that will put a smile back on her dial... thanks again
You can also go into build/buy mode and sort by packs. There is a check box. So select "Show All" (on the left where you would choose a particular room or something like 'lighting') and then filter by pack "Spa Day" (on the right where you can also filter items by color and so on) and you will see all the items. Once you've done it once your daughter will find it easy. If you are still having some trouble consider posting on the forum as there is more room for replies and questions! Misc Help -Forum
Lots can and do load empty but if you wait a few moments the workers should arrive as will other sims to use the spa facilities. If this isn't happening for you at all I would suggest bulldozing the lot and replacing it from your library and clearing your cache files and repairing your game. Deleting cache files Repairing Your Game
First of all I'm from Québec so don'T make fun of my English. I need help...Ever Since I downloaded the Sims Spa Day Extension pack the game crashes... So let me explain what happens. I was so excited to try the new doors / Windows so I did all my front door and everything was perfect but then I went to look at my house with every floor and only my spa day objects were transparent ( see trough )... Also every lights I used where not working (not illuminating). I tried restarting my computer and nothing seems to work... Has anybody lived this before?? What can I do...
So you can't work at the spa? And they should add some more jobs to Get To Work when they update it should add Spa and Denist on (Get To Work ) that be cool and fun..
Please please please - I need help with the spa day dlc. I can't find the spa building anywhere on the map and I was hoping not to have to build the thing myself. I suck at that. How do I get the spa in a place that my boy can make use of it. He gets tense.
You need to place these lots into your current game yourself. Go to your library and you can use the filters to find them. Maxis>lots>lot type=Spa. From there you can then see the size they are and then using Map View can figure out where you want to place them etc. Once you have found the perfect lot click into build mode on that lot and then navigate to the Spa you want and place it furnished.
First of all thank you Playalot for answering my cries for help. I found the spa in a different game. Felix's rather than Bill's. In Bill's inventory of purchasable items there are only individual rooms, not a complete building. And they are both in Willow Creek. What do I do to get the spa for my Oasis Springs residents.
My advice is valid for this question too. You can place any lot anywhere in TS4. If you want to place spa's in every neighborhood, you could. Just simply go to your library (or the Gallery) and place the spa down onto the lot of your choosing while in build mode. I'm wondering what you mean by 'spa' though as a spa venue will not be in a sims personal inventory. A sims personal inventory is only for things that can be dragged. venues, community lots, residential lots and retail lots etc can only be placed in build mode from either your library of the Gallery.Carl's Guide to Placing Lots Carl's guide to Using the Gallery
Making myself a spa and i noticed that the instructors yoga mat has not come up even when specifically searched for. Put on the object unlock cheats and still nothing. In the process of repairing the game.
so annoying and irritating that hair style number six is from this pack and that because i don't have it i can't use it like i wanted to and i doubt there are any mods that import it or are very very close to looking like it
I have noticed that if you light an incense AND do a yoga routine the bonus recurved at the end goes up to +2 for 8h! I haven’t noticed that in your guide but I might be blind, thought I’ll just let you know :)
Awesome guide! I always go to your page if I’m unsure about anything in game
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The Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod
Disable Seasons individually
Always Sunny! Set to Base Game Weather
Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
Disable Color Changes - on ALL Plants & Trees
Disable Fall Leaves
Disable Ground Snow
Keep the Stuff You Paid For!
A Deeper Game
The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
I have much more to come, since you can actually write a few guides about this pack!
Calling all Blender Users
Blender has been incredibly useful in video production, so I made my own Physics and Simulation Improvement Addon that lumps a ton of unique tools into one compact interface.
Sims 4 Snowy Escape
The Sims 4 Snowy Escape launches November 13, 2020 and my coverage has started. Until I get my review ready, you can learn about the following:
There is a new platform tool in The Sims 4. There's also a new Sentiments system, but it'll take some time to create a guide to that. Players can also use rental lots in any world now by changing lot types of builds in manage worlds.
Best Mods in Sims 4
I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay.
Readers who use adblock or those who'd like to thank me for my efforts can now pledge $1/$5 monthly via Patreon. This helps a lot with server costs and provides some stability for my business.
I now have a guide page to Tiny Living Stuff where you can learn about Murphy Beds, the new death, as well as the lot bonuses you'll receive if you manage to keep the size of your lot down with this new pack's Tiny Home Lot Type.
Let's Play Playlist
New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.
This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.
The Sims 4 Discover University has been announced for November 15 for PC/Mac and December 17 for Xbox and Playstation 4 consoles. Click to learn more about the pack, see my summary of the livestream or read our FAQs below.
Comments (40)
Misc Help -Forum
Deleting cache files
Repairing Your Game
I need help...Ever Since I downloaded the Sims Spa Day Extension pack the game crashes...
So let me explain what happens. I was so excited to try the new doors / Windows so I did all my front door and everything was perfect but then I went to look at my house with every floor and only my spa day objects were transparent ( see trough )... Also every lights I used where not working (not illuminating). I tried restarting my computer and nothing seems to work... Has anybody lived this before?? What can I do...
How To Repair Your Game
Hopefully doing this will fix the crashing.
How To Do A Factory Reset
More Tips On Factory Resets from Crinrict
How To Contact EA Customer Service
Carl's guide to Using the Gallery
Hey! Love your guide!
I have noticed that if you light an incense AND do a yoga routine the bonus recurved at the end goes up to +2 for 8h! I haven’t noticed that in your guide but I might be blind, thought I’ll just let you know :)
Awesome guide! I always go to your page if I’m unsure about anything in game
Yep same for the baths soaks + lit incense.
Maybe I missed it, but it turns out Neat Sims don't like mud baths. I found that out the yucky way. :P