Disabling Seasions But Keeping its Stuff - Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod Improving Sims 4: The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
The Sims 4 Dine Out Game Pack
Hiring & Training a Staff - Chefs, Waiters, and Hosts
From the main menu, a picture of the three types of restaurant staff in The Sims 4 Dine Out Game Pack
Restaurants require, at minimum, one waiter, one host, and one chef in order to operate. Their roles and the skills they need to perform effectively will vary. The early selection of staff is not great, but you can improve their skills and make them happier to work for your establishment. This will help your Sim to make more money, and help guests enjoy their meals. This guide will teach you basic and advanced concepts for handling your staff. Let's look at some of the common things between the three types of employment, and then look at the unique features of each job in the restaurant.
Manage Employees Press the manage employees button from the restaurant management menu (bottom right) at any time and you can access various commands, including hiring, firing, promoting and demoting.
Commonalities Between Host, Waiter, and Chef Employment Types
Promote staff who deserve it and share success together.
Opinion, Praising and Criticizing Beneath the worker's portrait is an opinion, which usually starts a 'Neutral'. The worker is neither satisfied nor unsatisfied with working for you. Check up on will give you the same information as looking at the manage employees menu. Sims who are being paid well will be 'Satisfied' or 'Very Satisfied', while they can also be 'Unsatisfied' and 'Very Unsatisfied'. There are two factors at play here. One, your treatment of them - are you praising good behavior, or calling them out for slacking? It seems as if there is a mechanic where if they ARE slacking and you call them on it by using the Criticize interaction, the relationship won't take as big a hit. They'll be extra-motivated for a while via a positive moodlet. If they're trying their best, you can make them ticked at you and lower their opinion of working for your establishment. Don't think they're staring at the phone the whole time, the waiters are usually checking orders.
The Praise Interaction encourages your employees to do better. Criticize may do more to whip them into action, but harms their job satisfaction.
The Praise interaction will give your worker a temporary positive moodlet that absolutely helps them with performance. You can't have the host being mean to the customer the moment they walk in the door. Additionally, and more importantly is their pay grade. When employees begin to develop their skills, they'll know they deserve more pay for what they do. A waiter with 5 ranks in charisma and fitness is going to grow dissatisfied with employment, and if you go too far they will quit. On the flip side, they will be generally happier and more likely to do a good job if satisfied and properly promoted. Each of the three careers has 5 levels for the employees and set amounts of pay.
Employees require skills to do a good job for you. Pay for training to help them learn faster. A nice touch by EA in my opinion.
Training & Skill Gains Your restaurant's employees require two types of skills each. Chefs require cooking and mixology, for example. Training employees means getting skill XP between shifts, while employees will also get natural skill experience just working for you. They'll gain about 1 level, depending where they stand. It's good to do early on to make your staff better as level 1-3 of each skill greatly limits their ability to do their jobs. There are three types of training available:
Brief Training - $150 - no requirement. Can help a new employee to catch up, but on-job experience is necessary to improve performance.
Standard Training - $600 - Requires level 5 in a Skill.
Extensive Training - $1500 - Requires level 7 in a skill.
Obviously, there are some gaps and staff will have to get on-the-job experience to fill them. It's better to do training as soon as it's available as the skill XP to level up grows greater as they progress, just as if you were leveling the skill with your own Sim. There are also good leaps from just a few levels in required skills.
Promoting & Demoting As a general rule of thumb, a Sim should probably be promoted at least every 3 levels in their skills or else they are going to being feeling dissatisfied. This also depends how often you praise them. Demote should only be used if you have a 'Very Satisfied' employee who shouldn't be. Note the relationship is going to take a hit, but relationships DO NOT factor into the satisfaction of an employee (perhaps, unless it goes negative). Overall you should probably prefer the carrot (reward), not the stick (punishment). I guess Sims are good at keeping business and friendship from conflicting.
Employee Types
Let's look at employee types in the order your guests will interact with them:
Hosts greet and seat guests. Their first impression on you is huge.
The host basically represents the restaurant and puts customers in a good mood when they arrive. Hosts are responsible for seating and greeting the guests. The host is important as their first impression on the customer cannot be changed, so I made it a point to praise my host (and use inspirational speech once it was possible) to put them in a good mood and keep them on track. Don't interrupt them from seating, though. Get them right at the beginning of service and between waves of customers. You don't want long wait times just to tell them they're doing a good job. Find moments of downtime. This position relies on the Comedy and Charisma skills exclusively. Hosts' skills are much like waiters in that at lower skill levels - regardless of the praise moodlet - they are more likely to goof and make a bad impression on a guest. Raising them to at least level 5-6 will stop those bad impressions from happening so long as the host is in a good mood.
The host position is an expensive one, but you'll only ever need one host operating from a lone host station. The host station is best placed nearby to tables, like all others. If the host has to walk to the back and then upstairs, back to the front of the building, it's going to take guests much much longer to be seated than if they're right there. You may even consider placing them in the center of a group of tables. Hosts make the following per hour:
Host Level 1 - $3
Host Level 2 - $6
Host Level 3 - $12
Host Level 4 - $20
Host Level 5 - $30
Waiters and Waitresses
Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!
Waiters clean up, take orders, and provide menus to guests. Station them throughout your restaurant.
At least one waiter is required, they use the waiter station and may idle near it when doing nothing - so keep it nearby to guests. You can zone out waiters this way. Waiters and Waitresses provide menus, cleanup, and finished meals to your customers. You can unlock 2 more waiter slots by purchasing related perks. Waiters are reliant on the Charisma and Fitness to do their job - charisma's role being obvious, but fitness having to do with how likely they are to drop a plate and their general energy levels. As Charisma and Fitness improve, the odds of a 'bad service' marker for star rating goes down and odds for 'good service' go up. For example, level 1 charisma/fitness and 40% chance at bad service. 2-3 is only 20%. Get to 7-8 and you are more likely to have neutral or good services and no bad service ratings. This should absolutely be rewarded, as waiters are also partially responsible for one of the most important metrics, wait time. If the food is ready and the waiter isn't on the ball, wait time suffers. It's also required of them to get the order in the first place! Here are the 5 pay grades for waiters, so you know what you'll be paying if you promote them:
Waiter Rank 1 - $2
Waiter Rank 2 - $5
Waiter Rank 3 - $9
Waiter Rank 4 - $16
Waiter Rank 5 - $25
If your chef gets insulted, praise them to help their mood. An angry chef = a bad chef. They have knives, you know.
The Chef's role in your restaurant is to make food and drink. Don't let them get less interaction from you just because they're in the back. The chef's mood and skill play into their performance, just as any other. I believe that Sims can cook level 5 foods at level 5, but not do it well until they surpass the skill level. Each level will make it more likely they are going to produce better quality food. Differing from other positions, the chef can be told to cook either quickly or carefully. These two both provide +/- 20% quality and speed. Quickly will sacrifice quality by 20% but speed up by the same amount. It is good to choose quickly if you have a high level chef cooking low level foods and you want to feed lots of Sims and move them out fast. Carefully is good for newer chefs who have low skill but might make use of the quality bump. This is particularly useful when you first hire your second chef. These settings will stay active until you change them back to normally.
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Hello! Does anyone know if your Sim can become hired at a restaurant as a cheif or waitress etc as their career?! Instead of owning and managing their own restaurant. Thanks in advance!
I got a notification that my employees are tired and it will effect their satisfaction if they do not get a break, but I do not see any options to allow them a break. Help please!
There is no 'take a break' option. You just have to close the restaurant. It's better to open for two shorter shifts each day (4-5 hours) or one medium length shift (8 hours) as that way your staff should not get tired and have their satisfaction level drop.
HALP. It's the second time my staff is just GONE one day to another. Like, most or all of my employees just disappear and I have to hire a new set of unexperienced employees. I'm getting really annoyed, has anyone else had this problem??? Is it a problem at all, or my employees just got suddenly extremely dissatisfied and decided to leave without a note???? Please help me
Sounds like it might be culling. Try moving your staff, once hired, into a household by going into the Household Management menu. You'll find the sim you have hired in the Not In World and Unplayed menus. Moving them into a household means that they will not be culled. Do not play them though as this also makes them lose their job. Hopefully this will solve your issue.
Sounds like it might be culling. Try moving your staff, once hired, into a household by going into the Household Management menu. You'll find the sim you have hired in the Not In World and Unplayed menus. Moving them into a household means that they will not be culled. Do not play them though as this also makes them lose their job. Hopefully this will solve your issue.
There isn't a way to do this unless maybe if you have placed your current staff into a household. Maybe then they will appear on the hire list when you open your new restaurant (which is what even the same building on another lot will be.)
everytime i'm at the restaurant everything goes well but suddenly when I leave everything goes bad and there is no profit. why is this happening? please help!
This is just the normal game mechanics. it is supposed to be more difficult to make a profit when your manager sim is not present on the lot. Just like real life, I guess... when the manager's away the staff play! Having highly qualified and very satisfied staff will help this to not happen so often.
HELP! The only staff member to show up for work is the chef. No host or wait staff. Also, I can't close the restaurant. (The poor chef has been working the whole time.) How do you fire the staff if they aren't present? If the staff is dissatisfied will they quit? How can I retain staff between shifts? It seems that I have to hire new staff for each shift. I'm really frustrated with Dine Out.
There is a tips section here to help you. First go into the household management menu and delete the sims that you have currently hired but are not turning up from the Unplayed Sims list. If they are not there then it means that those sims have probably been culled which is why they are not showing for work. Hire new sims. Place them into a household using Manage Households menu. Do not play them, this will make them lose their jobs. Staff will be satisfied if you praise them and only have the restaurant open for around 8 hours a day. Pay for training for your sims and as soon as possible buy the perk Inspirational Speech and Patient Patrons Perks Guide Sorry you are frustrated. I know that these tips will help you and once you have got your staff in an unplayed household things will be a lot easier.
Thank you for the information on the tutorial, it helped a lot. My new problem is that the game limits doing this to 16 sims then it culls the oldest family. I have 8 restaurants so I need a minimum of 24 sims. Does this indicate that the game is limited to 5 or less restaurants? This seems like an awful lot of work to get the game to work. Also, I just started to use the own a retail stores part of Get To Work. I made 7 retail establishments. I haven't hired any staff or played them yet. Does this apply to retail employees?
Why can't I hire my Sims? I tried marking them as unplayed, and it isn't working. Please help! And please list the steps in order so I can better understand them. Thanks!
Can do even better than that I can link you to a small tutorial. This tutorial was made by a simmer named mcrudd and she has posted this on the official USA Sims forum >Game Packs>Dine Out. It's fabulous and can show you step by step what to do which is far easier to understand then me trying to type it all out. Tutorial
As long as your staff are not culled then it should be fine. I have left my restaurant unopened for about 3 sims weeks and everything was fine but it is a brand new game and so culling hasn't been an issue. If you are worried you can always put your staff into a household and mark them as unplayed. There is a great tutorial on how to do that here
this is for your last reply on my question, ( i dont know why i cant click on the reply for your last answer) anyway. so i did put my staff in a household, but then they all aged up and i guess some died lol. so i ended up losing them in the end lol.
Oh that's too bad. Especially after all the effort to place them into a house. Least this time around you'll be a pro at moving your new staff into a house.
There is a tutorial on the USA forum on how to hire the sims you want here. Also try opening your restaurant while your sim is still at home and then traveling there. This makes all the first wave of guests allocated to a seat (if not already actually sitting) so your host doesn't have deal with the initial jam of customers. Remember to praise your staff and send them to training often so they skill up and get better at their jobs.
1. When your sim is on the Restaurant Lot go to Owned Businesses>Restaurant Settings>Sell This Business. 2. When sim is not on the restaurant lot got to Options Menu>Manage Worlds> then navigate to the Restaurant your sim owns then click on the lot. This will bring up a small menu bottom right of the screen. Click on the three dots (More)>Sell Business.
So what, does this mean it's a one man job? I mean even the spouse can't help out at the restaurant? I thought it was going to be like the get to work when you owned a retail store and the family could help out there and fill the roles instead of hiring people :((((
Whaaaaaaat noooo I wish I would have read some of the comments on these guides before getting the dine out pack! The ONLY reason I bought it was because I wanted to make it a family business!!! The mom would have been the cook, the daughter the hostess etc I've had that family for a while now leveling the mom's cooking and everything and now I find out she can't even be the cook at her own restaurant... Ugh!!! I was so looking forward to a family restaurant and the teens helping out as waitresses etc
At my restaurant, I have 2 chefs and 2 waitresses. The chefs and one of the waitresses were very dissatisfied, despite me constantly praising them and giving them promotions. Today they quit 5 minutes after I opened the restaurant. The remaining waitress and the host are neutral. Why does this happen? Is there a way to fix it?
It can depend on the individual sims traits. Sim with the noncommittal trait will be much harder to keep happy due to the tense moodlet they get from being in the same job. Sometimes it is just the luck of the draw and you can't do anything to prevent staff quitting. There are a few tricks you can do to make it a bit easier though: open the restaurant when your sim is still home then travel there. This means all the initial customers will have already been allocated a seat by the game and stop the time wasting queue at the front desk. Stop all new customers once your sim gets there and then praise all your staff and close the restaurant as soon as the last of those initial customers have finished. The shorter the work hours the happier the staff. Staff also like to be praised and trained as much as possible and getting the perks that unlock the Inspirational Speech and the Ingredient Quality Options should be your first goals.
Okay so I have a pretty big game going on. I have all of my family as sims in the game in seprate households. Recently I bought dine out thinking I could hire my brother as a chef and sister as a waitress ECT.. (Remember they are all in different households!) Is there anyway to evict them then hire them at my cafe and move them back to thier houses without loosing them as an employee? They are all levelled where they need to be and they are marked as unplayed because I dont play their households i just have them in the game with me so I can visit.
There is, it's a bit of a mission and has unexpected results at times so save your game before trying! Basically if you delete every sims in the Not In World category and then evict your sims you want to hire to make them 'Not in The World' and then directly go to the hire menu these sims should show up to be hired. Once hired move them into a household without playing them. If you play them they will lose their jobs in the restaurant.
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The Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod
Disable Seasons individually
Always Sunny! Set to Base Game Weather
Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
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Disable Fall Leaves
Disable Ground Snow
Keep the Stuff You Paid For!
A Deeper Game
The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
I have much more to come, since you can actually write a few guides about this pack!
Calling all Blender Users
Blender has been incredibly useful in video production, so I made my own Physics and Simulation Improvement Addon that lumps a ton of unique tools into one compact interface.
Sims 4 Snowy Escape
The Sims 4 Snowy Escape launches November 13, 2020 and my coverage has started. Until I get my review ready, you can learn about the following:
There is a new platform tool in The Sims 4. There's also a new Sentiments system, but it'll take some time to create a guide to that. Players can also use rental lots in any world now by changing lot types of builds in manage worlds.
Best Mods in Sims 4
I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay.
Readers who use adblock or those who'd like to thank me for my efforts can now pledge $1/$5 monthly via Patreon. This helps a lot with server costs and provides some stability for my business.
I now have a guide page to Tiny Living Stuff where you can learn about Murphy Beds, the new death, as well as the lot bonuses you'll receive if you manage to keep the size of your lot down with this new pack's Tiny Home Lot Type.
Let's Play Playlist
New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.
This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.
The Sims 4 Discover University has been announced for November 15 for PC/Mac and December 17 for Xbox and Playstation 4 consoles. Click to learn more about the pack, see my summary of the livestream or read our FAQs below.
Comments (42)
It's the second time my staff is just GONE one day to another. Like, most or all of my employees just disappear and I have to hire a new set of unexperienced employees. I'm getting really annoyed, has anyone else had this problem??? Is it a problem at all, or my employees just got suddenly extremely dissatisfied and decided to leave without a note???? Please help me
First go into the household management menu and delete the sims that you have currently hired but are not turning up from the Unplayed Sims list. If they are not there then it means that those sims have probably been culled which is why they are not showing for work.
Hire new sims. Place them into a household using Manage Households menu. Do not play them, this will make them lose their jobs.
Staff will be satisfied if you praise them and only have the restaurant open for around 8 hours a day. Pay for training for your sims and as soon as possible buy the perk Inspirational Speech and Patient Patrons
Perks Guide
Sorry you are frustrated. I know that these tips will help you and once you have got your staff in an unplayed household things will be a lot easier.
This tutorial was made by a simmer named mcrudd and she has posted this on the official USA Sims forum >Game Packs>Dine Out. It's fabulous and can show you step by step what to do which is far easier to understand then me trying to type it all out.
How do I sell a restaurant ? I bulldozed the lot however it still says that I own the restaurant even though it's now a bulldozed lot.
2. When sim is not on the restaurant lot got to Options Menu>Manage Worlds> then navigate to the Restaurant your sim owns then click on the lot. This will bring up a small menu bottom right of the screen. Click on the three dots (More)>Sell Business.
I thought it was going to be like the get to work when you owned a retail store and the family could help out there and fill the roles instead of hiring people :((((
I wish I would have read some of the comments on these guides before getting the dine out pack! The ONLY reason I bought it was because I wanted to make it a family business!!! The mom would have been the cook, the daughter the hostess etc I've had that family for a while now leveling the mom's cooking and everything and now I find out she can't even be the cook at her own restaurant... Ugh!!! I was so looking forward to a family restaurant and the teens helping out as waitresses etc
Basically if you delete every sims in the Not In World category and then evict your sims you want to hire to make them 'Not in The World' and then directly go to the hire menu these sims should show up to be hired. Once hired move them into a household without playing them. If you play them they will lose their jobs in the restaurant.